7 Cool Science Experiments For Kids To Do At Home

Cool Facts
4 min readMay 16, 2020

Besides, children are born scientists. They’re always experimenting with something, whether they’re throwing a plate of spaghetti on the wall, blowing bubbles in the bathwater, or stacking blocks into an intricate tower only to destroy it in one big swipe.

Looking for very simple science experiments to do at home with your kids? Maybe you need some ideas for summer or a rainy day. These are the coolest science Experiments for Kids to do at Home.

1. Water Walking


You’ll need six containers of water for this one: three with clear water, one with red food coloring, one with blue colouring, and one with yellow coloring. Arrange them in a circle, alternating coloured and clear containers, and make bridges between the containers with folded paper towels. Your kids will be amazed to see the colored water “walk” over the bridges and into the clear containers, mixing colors, and giving them a first-hand look at the magic of capillarity.

2. Make a Sundial



Cool Facts
Cool Facts

Written by Cool Facts

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