6 Cool Facts About Peru You Need To Know

Cool Facts
2 min readJan 11, 2022

Peru is a colorful land of textiles, ancient ruins, and incredible culture. It’s also home to one of America’s favorite foods — and an interesting national dish!

Check out these 6 interesting facts about Peru to learn more about one of our favorite destinations in South America.

1) Lima is the name of Peru’s capital city. There are 268,352 people living here. The country’s total population is 31,331.

2) After Brazil and Argentina, Peru is the third-largest country in South America. It has a total area of 1,285,216 square kilometers.

3) Spanish, Quechua, and Amaya are Peru’s three official languages. It’s also thought that the indigenous tribes of the Amazon jungle speak a total of 13 different languages.

4) The Peruvian currency is known as the Sol. One sol is worth 0.22% of a pound sterling.

5) Machu Picchu is one of the few Inca cities to have escaped the pillaging of the Spanish conquistadors. It is known as “The Lost City of the Incas” because the Spanish are said to have never set foot on its grounds.

6) The Inca culture is thought to have been devoid of wheels. This means that all of the stone used to construct this alpine city was either hand-carried to the top or chiseled from the mountain itself.

Read more: Peru Facts



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