15 Most Bizarre Superstitions Around The World

Cool Facts
4 min readJul 9, 2020

There are certain amounts of unreasoning beliefs among people living in a community, arising sometimes from fear, sometimes from helplessness, and sometimes from coincidences. They are called “superstitions”. These beliefs have been existing since the creation of the first human being. Superstitions are common but irrational beliefs that stem from a misinterpretation of scientific facts or from urban legends. While some of these rituals might sound a little odd, you won’t catch us making any big commitments on Friday the 13th.

In emerging of such kinds of beliefs both the natural structure of persons and illiterate words of elderly persons, as well as of some religious officials have been effective. Even if beliefs have shown variation from person to person they have also some common aspects.

Here are 15 Most Bizarre Superstitions Around The World.

  1. While Friday the 13th is considered unlucky in many countries, in Spain it’s actually Tuesday the 13th. This is why you should never, ever get married or travel on a Tuesday that lands on the 13th. The interesting fact, however, the film Friday the 13th was still translated as Viernes 13 though and was not re-named Martes 13 when shown in Spain.



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