15 Incredible Facts About Plants One Must Know

Cool Facts
3 min readMay 24, 2020

Plants can be dangerous, they’ are smarter than we think and there are many more details about plants we don’t know yet — until today. They never disappoint us to amaze us human beings.

Plants are nature’s ornaments, decorating our forests, deserts, and jungles in all shapes and sizes and all the colors of the spectrum. Some plants combine colors and shapes that are breathtakingly beautiful. Others seem to have sprung from the minds of science fiction writers.

Here are 15 Incredible Facts about Plants one must know.

  1. 85% of plant life is found in the ocean.

2. Bamboo is an extremely rapidly growing plant. In fact, some bamboo varieties can grow almost a metre (about 3.2 feet) in a single day.


3. Tomato juice is the official state beverage of Ohio, honoring the part A. W. Livingston of Reynoldsburg, Ohio, played in popularizing the tomato in the late 1800s.



Cool Facts

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