15 Healthy And Delicious Facts About Almonds

Cool Facts
3 min readJul 8, 2020

Almond trees may have been one of the earliest trees that people cultivated. In Jordan, archaeologists have found evidence of domesticated almond trees dating back some 5,000 years.

Let’s know 15 healthy & delicious facts about almonds but before that, we need to know how do almonds grow.

How do Almonds grow?


A drupe is a grey-green velvety fruit that hangs off an almond tree. This fruit grows between 1.5 to 2.5 inches in length and is shaped like an elongated football. Its texture is leathery and tough.

This almond fruit, or almond drupe, consists of three parts. The musty-green flesh is called the hull. When the drupe matures, the hull turns brown and splits open, revealing the second part: the shell. When it’s ripe, the almond shell falls to the ground.

The shell of an almond resembles a peach pit, as they’re closely related. And inside the shell is the third part: the seed. The almond seed is that nourishing little snack you know and love.

Almond drupes grow on deciduous trees ranging from 13 to 33 feet in height. Their trunks expand up to 12 inches in…



Cool Facts

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