15 Charming Facts About Color Pink

Cool Facts
3 min readJul 23, 2020

Pink takes all of red’s passion and energy and tempers it with white ‘s purity, leaving us with the color of tenderness and affection. Pink is a light red hue that is typically associated with romance and love. It is sometimes defined as a feminine color, probably because people develop associations in early childhood but that’s not true.

The use of the word for the color “pink” was first recorded in the late 17th century. While pink’s calming effect has been demonstrated, researchers of color psychology have found that this effect only occurs during the initial exposure to the color. When used in prisons, inmates often become even more agitated once they become accustomed to the color.

Here are 15 Charming Facts About Color Pink.

  1. The color pink is named after the flowers called pinks, flowering plants in the genus Dianthus.

2. Pink is such an effective mood regulator that too much of it can by physically draining. Dark pinks have effects similar to red–heightened emotions, while pale pinks are more soothing.

3. The Nazis targeted homosexuals during World War II, forcing them to wear…



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