15 Amazing Facts About Billionaires

Cool Facts
4 min readMay 19, 2020

A billionaire, in countries utilizing a short-term number naming scheme, is a person with a net value of at least one billion units of a given currency, typically major currencies such as the US dollar. The largest regional number of billionaires was in Europe and North America in 2018. With 658 individual people worth more than US$ 1 billion in 2019, Greater China was the world’s largest billionaire population. The home, Beijing, had 103 billionaire people on its own, rendering it the most billionaire city in 2019.

So, here are some amazing facts about billionaire:

  1. While there are many descendants in the billionaire ranks, 67 per cent of the world ‘s new billionaires are currently self-made. In this situation, it implies that no one else has money or substantial resources. Any of the more famous include Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates. However, just 21 per cent of the top 400 wealthiest billionaires in America are self-made.

2. In a group of self-made billionaires, the road to prosperity is always long and tedious and often begin from the bottom rung of the ladder before rising to the top. Most of the popular…



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